Ryan Beazley

Ryan Beazley
on November 6, 2018

A Day in the Life: Sales at Perch Security

A Day in the Life: Sales at Perch Security

They say, “time flies when you’re having fun”. This couldn’t ring more true as I look back on my time here at Perch Security. The day before Halloween was my first day on the job. It just so happened to be costume day here in the office. Words in this blog post do no justice to what my eyes saw that day. I knew right then, I made a great choice by joining this company.

Trekking through the cybersecurity sales landscape

Working sales in the #cybersecurity space can prove to be cumbersome. There can be confusion amongst customers regarding the various products in the market. Customers may think they are protected but may not be using the right setup for their #security stack. One layer of security that proved to be efficient years back may now be outdated, and therefore useless today. The sales rep must be ‘in the know’ and educate the potential consumer on market trends and best practices. This is why Perch Security was built; to stay true to what we see and hear in the industry. We offer a user-friendly service to the masses. I like to call it a “peace of mind” service. I’ll explain.

Perch Security automates the threat feeds you subscribe to. However, we do not stop there. We take it a step further. Perch offers around the clock highly trained security analysts to threat hunt for you. Ultimately, freeing up your day to focus elsewhere. I think our approach is why we are seeing so much success. Not to mention, we do it at such an affordable cost that it makes my job selling a heck of a lot easier!

Keep your eyes on the prize

It goes without saying that there is never a dull day here at Perch Security. Make sure to stay tuned for future product enhancements. We are constantly taking the feedback from our customers and building on what we hear. With the ever-changing cybersecurity market, you must think ahead. The issues you are facing today may not be what comes at you tomorrow.

As we continue to pick up speed and expand in the market place, I’ll have to stop and think to myself about how we got here, where we are at, and where we are headed. Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Find us on Twitter, LinkedIn or write in to hello@perchsecurity.com

Next: The New Era of Service

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Ryan Beazley

Ryan Beazley
on November 6, 2018

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