Paul Scott

Paul Scott
on September 21, 2018

Need the cheat codes to cybersecurity?

Need the cheat codes to cybersecurity?

It’s dangerous to go alone. That must be a reason birds have evolved to flock together. I imagine, as a person responsible for your organization’s security operations, the pressure is on for you to always be right. One miss could become a very public incident that distracts the company from its real mission like financial services, education, or energy. When you’re sitting down to review a possible breach, wouldn’t it make you more confident to have access to real-time, qualified (by trained security analysts in our managed SOC) intelligence sightings from your industry peers that include how similar sightings were ultimately dispositioned?

Of course, you could always go alone, but the cost of creating and maturing a corporate security team can be expensive. For compliance, you’d need to invest in multiple security products to cover network security, system security, application security, vulnerability scanning, SIEM, and of course, the threat intelligence that drives it all. You’re smart so you’ll pick products that integrate. But integration might cost extra.

You’ll also need a team to operate all the products, which eats up your training budget. SIEM’s and IDS’ don’t come with content so you’ll need licenses to intelligence feeds and/or membership to an ISAC. You may also need a threat intelligence platform (TIP) to manage intelligence feeds and plug them into each security product. To staff a 24/7 SOC you could squeeze by with four threat analysts working 10-hour shifts, but that doesn’t leave you enough coverage for holidays, PTO, and, sick days. This can result in analyst burn out and employee churn. Qualified analysts are hard to find, not just in your area. If you don’t monitor the security products diligently, you could end up like Target. The bare-bones, go it alone security program I outlined could take a year to setup and cost over 1.5 million annually, depending on products, staffing, and business location. This may seem like a lot, but the cost of a breach could be double.

Perch helps with a number of these challenges. With Perch you don’t have to worry about connecting the dots between your intelligence feeds, your Perch products, or the security products you’re feeding into Perch. Don’t worry about the TIP, it’s already included with Perch. Perch pipelines threat feeds to threat detectors as a core feature. No middleware required. Perch’s predictable pricing scales with your node count and you’ll never have to add headcount as you grow. You can add security expertise to your organization without renting more office space. With Perch’s managed SOC, best-effort analysis is always included. We alert your team if we think incident response is required and provide remediation advice. Otherwise, your team is free to focus on mission-critical business.

Perch brings real-time network, application, and system events into one hunt stack. Our SOC is able to compare your traffic and sighting history to your peers in the community to make informed decisions about the fidelity of a threat or piece of intel. When you can see further, the table flips on the attacker. Now every time black hats try to rob the bank they will have to evade your hired posse of keyboard cowboys from Texas. One slip-up and the team is alert.

Cybersecurity can be cumbersome and costly if you are uninformed about what products you should buy, and more importantly the threats that exist. Don’t go alone - Use threat intelligence to your advantage. Perch connects you to sharing communities that provide security, knowledge, and most importantly supported data to protect your entire network no matter the size. With Perch you get a simple to use application that is setup with no costly developments and no down time. Unlock the cheat codes to cybersecurity with Perch!

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Next: Thinking About Your Cybersecurity Program

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Paul Scott

Paul Scott
on September 21, 2018

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