Michael Brands

Michael Brands
on March 16, 2020

Perch Cliff Notes for the MSP

Perch Cliff Notes for the MSP

Over the past year or two, the term MSP 2.0 has been used to signify the evolution of Managed Service Providers (MSP) to include more cybersecurity focused elements to help improve client security while continuing to drive monthly recurring revenue.

On the surface, this certainly seems like a win-win for most Managed Services Providers, but simply including additional cybersecurity products and services in the MSP stack doesn’t necessarily equate to instant success.

At Perch, we believe in a customer success model which simply means that if our partners are successful, Perch is successful. With that mindset, we continue to focus on implementing and improving the partner enablement programs to help MSPs both incorporate managed security into their offerings and have needful conversations with their clients regarding cybersecurity. In this blog, we focus on a few key programs to help MSPs get the most from their partnership with Perch in 2020 and for years to come.

Partner onboarding

Perch strongly emphasizes that the partner experience needs to be awesome right out of the gate. For that reason, we’ve worked diligently to create a meaningful onboarding process that truly helps partners hit the ground running with managed security.

The onboarding process is comprised of three phases:

  1. The customer success team and installation engineers work with partners to get up and running while providing a general overview of the application and basic configurations.
  2. Once Perch is up and running, a call is scheduled with the security engineering team who provide a deeper dive into the application and work with the partner to ensure that all applicable configurations and integrations are set up and working as intended. The Perch security engineers are also a great resource for guidance on building an effective information security program for partners and their clients.
  3. From there, partners have a call with the Perch Security Operations Center (SOC) team to review alerts and threats that have been detected up to that point. If the partner chooses to participate in the day-to-day security operations, the Perch SOC team will provide guidance for reviewing escalations and alerts.

Security engineers and SOC analysts are available to assist with any issues or concerns that may arise even after the onboarding process has been completed.

Perch Partner Portal

When the time comes to begin incorporating Perch into client-facing conversations, there’s no better resource than the Perch partner portal for sales, marketing, and branded materials.

To gain access to the Perch partner portal, simply visit https://partners.perchsecurity.com/ and hit the APPLY button under Become a Partner.

Once access to the Perch Partner Portal is granted, the Getting Started section provides an overview of how to use the portal, registration for the monthly MSP User’s call, and contact info for Perch’s support and SOC teams.

From there, access to sales enablement materials including case studies, recorded demos, battle cards, and sales materials are available through the Marketing drop down.

Beyond sales and marketing materials, the Perch partner portal also provides the ability to register opportunities. Registering an opportunity takes only a minute and ensures that those prospects are associated with the appropriate partner on our end, essentially staking claim to those clients. Just click on the Opportunities drop down to get started.

Perch’s customer Slack channel (Squawkbox)

Beyond Managed Threat Detection, SOC, and SIEM services, Perch is a community! One of the best ways to get the most out of Perch is to join us in Perch’s client-facing Slack channel, affectionately named Squawkbox.

Squawkbox is an excellent place to collaborate with Perch employees and other Perch partners. It is also a great way to get in touch with specific teams or individuals at Perch to ask questions or get support.

If you currently do not have access to Squawkbox, simply reach out to your account manager to get an invite.

Ongoing support and conversations

The Perch customer success team will coordinate ongoing calls with the SOC team to ensure that partners have the opportunity to review alerts and ask questions regarding threat activity. In between scheduled calls, partners can reach out to the Perch SOC directly, either through Slack or email.

As mentioned earlier, our security engineering and support teams are available to assist in a variety of areas and can be contacted directly through Slack or by email.

Perch also holds monthly Users and MSP calls that all partners are encouraged to attend. These calls are a great opportunity to learn more about the happenings at Perch, product roadmap, and most importantly it’s a forum to ask questions and make suggestions to ensure that Perch continues to align with the needs of partners.

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Find us on Twitter, LinkedIn or write in to hello@perchsecurity.com

Next: Can Perch detect Ransomware?

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Michael Brands

Michael Brands
on March 16, 2020

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