Mike Riggs

Mike Riggs
on October 9, 2018

What Managed Service Providers Need When it Comes to Security

What Managed Service Providers Need When it Comes to Security

Having spent 20+ years helping transform IT and security in enterprise organizations and small businesses alike, I have seen it all. But helping the organizations that don’t have their own IT staff or security program is something that is crucially important to the success of the vast majority of all businesses in the nation. This is where our strategic partnerships with Managed Service Providers really shines.

Managed Service Providers, also known as MSP’s, are the IT and security department for those organizations that aren’t large enough to have their own IT staff. The SBE council estimates that 98.2% of businesses have fewer than 100 employees, the exact target market for many MSP’s. But what does this mean for the owner of an MSP that is likely part of the above demographic?

Antivirus, Firewalls, Compliance, Phishing, Malware, Hacking, Breaches, User Awareness Training; these are some of the things a Managed Service Provider thinks of when they think about securing their customers. The task of ensuring your customer and clients are secure is a daunting task for many organizations, and one area is often overlooked: visibility and actionable outcomes.

Perch provides visibility with real world threat intelligence in an intuitive and easy to use interface. Real-time visibility is critical to the success of any security program. Especially, when implemented in a way that doesn’t cause you to restructure your existing IT and information security processes, rip and replace toolsets, spend countless hours to train staff, and add headcount. When you compare Perch to the typical SOC-as-a-Service (SOCaaS) solution, we prefer to integrate into the toolsets that you are most comfortable with. With Perch you will be up and running in a few minutes (no joke!) as opposed to weeks like other solutions. Perch was designed from the ground up by practitioners with real world IT and information security experience in organizations both large and small.

Some of the world class functionality that that Perch offers:

  • We deliver world class threat detection capabilities you’d expect from an IDS.
  • Visibility into network traffic that you can only get from large network monitoring vendors.
  • SOC services that scale with your needs – if you have your own SOC – awesome, if you don’t, use ours!
  • Easy implementation you’d expect from a well-designed product.
  • Perch was designed for multi-tenancy out of the box, so the management flow of multiple companies is intuitive and seamless.

As you see, an MSP has a lot to consider in the realm of IT and information security. Therefore, MSP’s add Perch to their security stack because it provides consistent visibility into their customer and client networks in an easy and repeatable fashion. If you’re interested in a demo of Perch, head over to our page.

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Find us on Twitter, LinkedIn or write in to hello@perchsecurity.com

Next: Women in Technology: Are things changing?

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Mike Riggs

Mike Riggs
on October 9, 2018

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